WordPress database error: [User 'Lf2pQALIQ709iK3' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)]SELECT option_value FROM wp_foyt_options WHERE option_name = 'tribe_promoter_auth_key' LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'Lf2pQALIQ709iK3' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)]SELECT option_value FROM wp_foyt_options WHERE option_name = 'tec_custom_tables_v1_active' LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'Lf2pQALIQ709iK3' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)]SELECT option_value FROM wp_foyt_options WHERE option_name = 'sbi_oembed_token' LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'Lf2pQALIQ709iK3' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)]SELECT option_value FROM wp_foyt_options WHERE option_name = 'sb_instagram_errors' LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'Lf2pQALIQ709iK3' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)]show tables like 'wp_foyt_sbi_instagram_feeds_posts'
WordPress database error: [User 'Lf2pQALIQ709iK3' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)]SELECT option_value FROM wp_foyt_options WHERE option_name = 'wpstg_login_link_settings' LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'Lf2pQALIQ709iK3' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)]SELECT option_value FROM wp_foyt_options WHERE option_name = 'tribe_pue_key_notices' LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'Lf2pQALIQ709iK3' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)]SELECT option_value FROM wp_foyt_options WHERE option_name = 'as_has_wp_comment_logs' LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'Lf2pQALIQ709iK3' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)]SELECT option_name, option_value FROM wp_foyt_options WHERE option_name IN ('_site_transient_wp_theme_files_patterns-401317a786481d33079ecdd5e395ab88','_site_transient_timeout_wp_theme_files_patterns-401317a786481d33079ecdd5e395ab88')
WordPress database error: [User 'Lf2pQALIQ709iK3' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)]INSERT INTO `wp_foyt_options` (`option_name`, `option_value`, `autoload`) VALUES ('_site_transient_timeout_wp_theme_files_patterns-401317a786481d33079ecdd5e395ab88', '1742009761', 'off') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `option_name` = VALUES(`option_name`), `option_value` = VALUES(`option_value`), `autoload` = VALUES(`autoload`)
WordPress database error: [User 'Lf2pQALIQ709iK3' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)]INSERT INTO `wp_foyt_options` (`option_name`, `option_value`, `autoload`) VALUES ('_site_transient_wp_theme_files_patterns-401317a786481d33079ecdd5e395ab88', 'a:2:{s:7:\"version\";s:5:\"1.1.0\";s:8:\"patterns\";a:0:{}}', 'off') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `option_name` = VALUES(`option_name`), `option_value` = VALUES(`option_value`), `autoload` = VALUES(`autoload`)
WordPress database error: [User 'Lf2pQALIQ709iK3' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)]SELECT Id, configuration FROM wp_foyt_FinalTiles_gallery order by id
WordPress database error: [User 'Lf2pQALIQ709iK3' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)]SELECT option_value FROM wp_foyt_options WHERE option_name = 'pue_install_key_event_aggregator' LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [User 'Lf2pQALIQ709iK3' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)]SELECT option_name, option_value FROM wp_foyt_options WHERE option_name IN ('_transient__tribe_events_needs_capability_init','_transient_timeout__tribe_events_needs_capability_init')
WordPress database error: [User 'Lf2pQALIQ709iK3' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)]SELECT option_name, option_value FROM wp_foyt_options WHERE option_name IN ('_transient__tribe_events_delayed_flush_rewrite_rules','_transient_timeout__tribe_events_delayed_flush_rewrite_rules')
WordPress database error: [User 'Lf2pQALIQ709iK3' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)]SELECT option_name, option_value FROM wp_foyt_options WHERE option_name IN ('_transient_wpstg_permalinks_do_purge','_transient_timeout_wpstg_permalinks_do_purge')
WordPress database error: [User 'Lf2pQALIQ709iK3' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)]SELECT t.term_id
FROM wp_foyt_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_foyt_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id
WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('tribe_events_cat') AND t.slug IN ('party')
WordPress database error: [User 'Lf2pQALIQ709iK3' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)]SELECT t.term_id
FROM wp_foyt_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_foyt_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id
WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('tribe_events_cat') AND t.slug IN ('party')
WordPress database error: [User 'Lf2pQALIQ709iK3' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)]SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS wp_foyt_posts.ID
FROM wp_foyt_posts
0 = 1
) AND ((wp_foyt_posts.post_type = 'tribe_events' AND (wp_foyt_posts.post_status = 'publish' OR wp_foyt_posts.post_status = 'tribe-ea-success' OR wp_foyt_posts.post_status = 'tribe-ea-failed' OR wp_foyt_posts.post_status = 'tribe-ea-schedule' OR wp_foyt_posts.post_status = 'tribe-ea-pending' OR wp_foyt_posts.post_status = 'tribe-ea-draft')))
GROUP BY wp_foyt_posts.ID
ORDER BY wp_foyt_posts.post_date DESC
LIMIT 0, 10
WordPress database error: [User 'Lf2pQALIQ709iK3' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)]
SELECT wp_foyt_postmeta.post_id
FROM wp_foyt_postmeta
AND wp_foyt_postmeta.meta_key = '_EventHideFromUpcoming'
AND ( wp_foyt_postmeta.meta_value = 'yes' OR wp_foyt_postmeta.meta_value = '1' )
GROUP BY wp_foyt_postmeta.post_id;
WordPress database error: [User 'Lf2pQALIQ709iK3' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)]SELECT t.term_id
FROM wp_foyt_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_foyt_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id
WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('tribe_events_cat') AND t.slug IN ('party')
ORDER BY t.term_id ASC
WordPress database error: [User 'Lf2pQALIQ709iK3' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)]SELECT t.term_id
FROM wp_foyt_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_foyt_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id
WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('tribe_events_cat') AND t.name IN ('party')
ORDER BY t.term_id ASC
WordPress database error: [User 'Lf2pQALIQ709iK3' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 300000)]SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS wp_foyt_posts.ID, CAST( orderby_event_date_meta.meta_value AS DATETIME ) AS event_date, CAST( orderby_event_duration_meta.meta_value AS DECIMAL ) AS event_duration
FROM wp_foyt_posts
LEFT JOIN wp_foyt_postmeta tribe_start_date_utc
ON ( wp_foyt_posts.ID = tribe_start_date_utc.post_id
AND tribe_start_date_utc.meta_key = '_EventStartDate' )
LEFT JOIN wp_foyt_postmeta tribe_end_date_utc
ON ( wp_foyt_posts.ID = tribe_end_date_utc.post_id
AND tribe_end_date_utc.meta_key = '_EventEndDate' )
LEFT JOIN wp_foyt_postmeta AS orderby_event_date_meta
ON (
orderby_event_date_meta.post_id = wp_foyt_posts.ID
AND orderby_event_date_meta.meta_key = '_EventStartDate'
LEFT JOIN wp_foyt_postmeta AS orderby_event_duration_meta
ON (
orderby_event_duration_meta.post_id = wp_foyt_posts.ID
AND orderby_event_duration_meta.meta_key = '_EventDuration'
0 = 1
) AND wp_foyt_posts.post_type = 'tribe_events' AND ((wp_foyt_posts.post_status = 'publish')) AND ((
TIMESTAMPDIFF ( SECOND, tribe_start_date_utc.meta_value, '2022-11-19 23:59:59' ) >= 1
TIMESTAMPDIFF ( SECOND, '2022-11-19 00:00:00', tribe_end_date_utc.meta_value ) >= 1
GROUP BY wp_foyt_posts.ID
ORDER BY event_date ASC, event_duration ASC, wp_foyt_posts.post_date ASC
LIMIT 0, 30